What does your sponsorhip support?
NursingInspired Rx💊
On our online school, there is an opportunity for students to
get 1:1 coaching, take courses and get downloadable organizational tools.
Perhaps you know a student that is an aspiring nurse and needs extra inspiration and assistance?
Give it directly to them as a gift!
How to give a gift
When you reach the checkout page of the desired product or service, you will see a checkbox with the option to purchase as a gift. From there, you can fill in the name and email of the future nurse receiving it. After checkout is complete, they will automatically get an email with information about the gift and how to sign up for our NursingInspired Rx school and gain access.

Past and Current Students
Past and Current Students

What one past student had to say
What one past student had to say
Ms. Flowers,
thank you for the amazing experience you have given me. I had one of the best weeks of my life because of your class. I have always been a passionate person, but after a week with you as my instructor and can hardly hold in the excitement I contain on becoming a nurse. Words can't describe how thankful I am to have met you. You have amazed me in so many ways. The struggles you went through compared to the successes you have achieved have given me much hope. You are a strong, confident, and amazing woman and nurse, something that I strive greatly to be….You have truly become an important role model to me through your passion of helping women, as I am very interested in the welfare of all women and especially their children. Again, I can't say thank you enough for everything you have given me. Your experience and views excite me for the future that I dream of. And again, thank you for sharing your talents with me and everyone else you have reached or will reach with your brilliant mind. If I become even a fraction of the nurse you are, I will in my mind have succeeded in the very big dreams that I have, and I will always credit you for giving me hope to fulfill those dreams.
Anonymous high school student
in "Nursing...Yesterday, Today and Your Tomorrow!" Seminar